10 medicinal benefits of Tinospora cordifolia(Giloy) Gulvel

Tinospora cordifolia  Giloy OR Gulvel 0R Guduchi belongs to family Menispermaceae one of the outdoor medicinal plant showing antiinflmamtory, antipyretic properties.

1. One of the important medicinal plant used on diseases like malaria, dengue, Swine flu.

2. It contain antioxidants to fight against diseases and  acts as immunity booster.

3. Improves digestion helps in constipation .

4.Reduce mental stress and anxiety.

5. Giloy is use  in weight loss as it shows hypolipidemic action.

6.Boost liver function.

7 Helps in detoxification of body.

8.Useful in chronic fever.

9.Benificial in general body ache and general fatigue.

10.Kadha,or tablets or powder is used in proper dosage.

Precaution -Take dosage prescribed by medicinal Practioner. 

                    Avoid the use of Giloy during breastfeeding.


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