Transpiration, Magnitude of transpiration, Types of transpiration Structure of Stomata ,Significance of transpiration.
Transpiration, Magnitude of transpiration, Types of transpiration Structure of stomata, Significance of transpiration.
Excess amount of water in the plant body is present in the plant body. This help to increase the rate of transpiration. In most plant species a large quantity of water absorbed form the soil, is lost
into the atmosphere. The loss is mainly in the from of invisible vapours, although sometimes liquid water can also escape out. The loss of water in the form vapours is called
transpiration. While the loss of water in liquid form is called guttation.
Transpirations a vital physiological phenomenon. The mechanism of throwing of excess amount of water outside the plant is known as transpiration. It is
regulated by the activity of guard
cells. Several types of pressures
are involved in transpiration. The
surface area of transpiration is
regulated by guard cells. Transpiration occurs only in the living cells.
Transpiration process occurs in order to prevent the dryness of surface area. It maintains suitable temperatures in the
plant body. It plays important rote in opening and closing of stomata, helps in ascent of sap. & absorption of water and minerals by roots.
Root system absorbs a large quantity of water from the soil. Out of total water only 2% is utilized for various of plants. Remaining about 98% of water is lost to the atmosphere through aerial part. The loss of water from aerial parts of plants in the form of vapors is termed as transpiration. The loss of water from aerial parts of plants in the form of vapors is termed as transpiration.
In some shade loving plants like
ferns water is lost in liquid form through hydathodes. This is called
Magnitude of Transpiration
The quantitative importance of transpiration has been indicated by variety of studies over the years. E.C. Miller (1938) reported that a single Maize plant might transpire as much as 200 liters of water over its lifetime. The quantity of water lost is different from plant to plant and also from plant part. There are number of factors governing the loss of water. They are light, temperatures, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. It also differs due to the structural peculiarities. The sunflower plant looses about 56 kg of water within 4.5 months. At the same period Crotalaria juncea lost 27 kg of water in its life cycle of 4.5 months. These data of loss of water, physiological importance of transpiration in the life of plants. Thus during transpiration water is lost in the form of water vapour or it is evaporated. Thus, there is always surplus water in plants. This surplus water is lost from the aerial surface of plants in the form of vapours. This is called as transpiration
Type of
Most of the transpiration take place from leaves which is known as foliar transpiration. Water is also lost from stems, flowers, fruits, etc. Transpiration may takes place through cuticle, lenticels or stomata and based on these transpiration is of three types:
a) Cuticular transpiration
The epidermal layer of leaves and herbaceous stems is covered by cuticle. When water is lost through cuticle, it is called cuticular transpiration. Cuticle is waxy coating or layer present on the epidermis of leaves and herbaceous stems. Cuticle is mainly to prevent loss of water from plants, but transpiration takes place through cracks in it. It is nearly 5-10% of total water loss by simple diffusion.
b) Lenticular transpiration
Lenticels are fine pores present on
the older parts of plants. They are present in the bark of old stems. There is
loss of water through lenticels. Such transpiration is called as lenticular
transpiration. About 0.5% of water lost through the lenticels. It is quite
c) Stomatal transpiration
Loss of water through stomata is
called stomatal transpiration. Stomata are the minute pores or openings present in the epidermis of leaves. About 80-90% of water is loss by stomatal
transpiration. Leaves are the main transpiring organs. Stomatal transpiration
occurs during day time when stomata are
open Stomatal transpiration is lowest when stomata are fully closed and it is
rapid when stomata are fully opened.
Structure of Stomata
Stomata are the minute openings or
pores. Which are present in the epidermis of leaf. Each stoma consists of an
elliptical pore i.e. stomatal aperture and surrounded by two specialized cells
called as guard cells. Each guard cell is kidney shaped in dicots or dumb-bell
shaped in monocots. Each guard cell contains a nucleus, chloroplasts and
central vacuole filled with cell sap. The inner wall of guard cells is thicker
and non elastic, while outer wall is thin and elastic and it can be stretched.
Guard calls are surrounded by subsidiary cells or accessory cells. Usually
stomata occur on both surface but mostly confirmed to lower surface of leaf. In
aquatic plants, stomata represent to upper surface only. The size of stomata
varies from plant to plant. The number of stomata in leaves also varies for ex.
In Maize stomatal number is 52 on the upper surface and 68 on lower surface per
square centimeter. In sunflower stomata are 58 on upper surface while 156
stomata on lower surface per square centimeter. An individual stoma of Maize, a
representative species is approximately 4 mm wide by 26 mm long.
Advantages of transpiration
1) Transpiration removes excess
water from plants
2) It helps in water absorption
by suction pressure.
1) Transpiration removes excess water from plants
2) It helps in water absorption by suction pressure.
3) Transpiration helps in the
circulation of water in plant body.
4) It helps in ascent of sap
and distribution of mineral salts in plants.
5) It keeps the plants cool and
thus prevents drying/desiccation of plant.
6) It improves the quality of fruits.
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