How to detect adulteration in Turmeric?

 How to detect adulteration in  Turmeric?

Botanical name -Curcuma longa    Common name -Haladi    Family Zingiberaceae 

Turmeric or haladi is used as a spice, it has  medicinal properties .It is used in every house for cooking . It is adulterated with metalic yellow ,saw dust chalk powder .yellow stone powder ,lead chromite, metanil yellow etc.

Requirements- Sample of turmeric powder, Conce.  HCL, test tubes, water  etc.

Test 1

a) Procedure for detection of adulteration - Take turmeric powder in test tube. Add 4-5 drops of water to moist the sample then add 5-6 drops of HCL on moist turmeric ,magenta colour developed in test tube it indicates the presence of metanil yellow in turmeric.

Test 2

b) Procedure for detection of adulteration - Take a tea spoon full of turmeric powder in a test tube ,add few drops of conce. HCL, instant appearance of pink colour which disappear on dilution with water shows presence of pure turmeric.

Test 3 

c) Procedure for detection of adulteration - Take a small quantity of turmeric powder in a test tuebe containing small quantity of water. Add a few drops of conc. HCL ,effervescence will indicate the presence f chalk powder or yellow stone powder.


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